BhanthesCurrent Bhanthes

Ven Kotapola Upali thero

On the invitation of ASLBAC, Ven. Kotapola Upali Thera, arrived at the Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara, Canberra on Friday 28 October 2009 as the Resident Bhanthe.

Ven. Upali Thera was ordinated on 27th June 1992 as a student of Ven. Madihe Pannasiha Mahanayaka thero and Ven. Ampitiye Sri Rahula thero at the Maharagama SiriVajiraganna Dharmayathana . Ven. Upali thero received the higher ordination at Maharagama SiriVajiraganna Dharmayathana Seema Malaka, on 30th July 1995.