Enrolements now open for the Dhamma and Sinhala School. Online Student Registration


As the maintenance of Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara in Canberra depends on crucially on community support, regular fund-raising activities are required to elicit the necessary funding support from the community. These take the form of regular food fairs held at the Vihara premises in Kambah ACT and food stalls hosted by the ASLBA at various community events, including the Canberra Multicultural Festival. Funds raised at these events along with donations form the key source of funding for the upkeep of Vihara and the many services that it provides to the community. All future enhancements to the Vihara and its premises and provision of services also depend on the ability to raise funds. These events where the Canberra community can taste delicious Sri Lankan foods are popular with the Canberra Australian community.

All fund-raising activities of the ASLBA are run by volunteers. Therefore if you or your organisation can volunteer to host a food fair, contribute time to prepare Sri Lankan foods and/or sell prepared food at our food fairs and community events, please contact the resident Bhanthe or any member of the ASLBA Committee to indicate your interest. If you wish, you can also host a food fair at the Vihara premises by getting together as a group or as an individual to pay the cost of ingredients (raw materials) and consumables for the particular food fair event. Currently (May 2016) the estimated cost of hosting a food fair is $600.00. This amount will allow the the ASLBA to supply a standard menu comprising about 4 types of short-eats, hoppers and rice and curry. We also need your group to help prepare the food items by providing labour. The ASLBA can always provide an experienced person to guide you with plenty of tips and tricks to get the recipes just right!

If you have some time to donate to the temple, please contact the resident Bhanthe as helpers are always wanted to prepare foods, set up food stalls and clean up following fund-raising events. With your generous help the ASLBA can continue to maintain the temple and the many services it provides to the community.

Fund-raising events

Currently several types of events are held to raise funds.

Regular food fairs are held at the temple premises when sponsorship can be elicited from individuals and/or groups. The intention is to hold such food fairs as often as practical, ideally once a month. These are held during the day and usually from 10am to 2pm.

A major food fair event is held in the month of May to coincide with Vesak Celebrations. A multitude of Vesak illuminations at night provide the backdrop for a colourful festival where Sri Lankan and Australian visitors to the Temple get to sample a variety of Sri Lanka food items.

Every year in February, the ACT Government holds the Canberra Multicultural Festival. The ASLBA is a stall-holder selling a variety of Sri Lankan in this annual event. Not long after this event, the Queanbeyan City Council holds the Queanbeyan Multicultural Festival. The ASLBA also holds a stall at this festival.

The ASLBA receives invitations to cater for various community events and performances by artists visiting from Sri Lanka from time-to-time.