The Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara in Canberra, Australia is managed by the Australia Sri Lanka Buddhist Association of Canberra Inc. (ASLBAC).
Registered Address: Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara 30 Jenke Cct Kambah, ACT 2902 Australia.
Association Objectives
To provide facilities to engage in Buddhist activities, religious rites, worship and devotional activities within the principles of Theravada tradition as shown in the Pali Cannon and to foster the teaching of Lord Buddha;
To promote an understanding of the doctrine, philosophy and culture of Buddhism;
religious rites, worship and devotional activities within the principles of Theravada tradition as shown in the Pali Cannon and to foster the teaching of Lord Buddha;
To promote an understanding of the doctrine, philosophy and culture of Buddhism;
To foster inter-religious harmony, mutual understanding and respect for other religious beliefs;
To engage in welfare activities.
Association Membership – Qualifications
A person who is interested in practising the teaching of the Buddha and interested in the principles of the Buddhist religion, and who is agreeable to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association, may apply for membership of the Association;
The rights of membership are personal to the individual and cannot be transferred to another under any circumstances;
Membership can be terminated by resignation, or by the members at a general meeting or on the non-payment of subscriptions on the due dates;
A member or a past member shall not be called upon to contribute towards payment of liabilities of the Association in the event of winding up except to the extent of dues to the Association by the member by way of overdue subscriptions or other payments;
The acceptance of a person as a member will be at the sole discretion of the management Committee which shall be ratified at the next ensuing meeting of the Association.

Membership applications
An application for the membership of the Association
shall be in writing and signed by two members of the Association;
shall be accompanied by the written consent of the person nominated;
shall be accompanied by a remittance consisting of the application fee of $10.00;
shall be lodged with the secretary of the Association or to the registered address(above).
Application form
Subscription and Membership Fees
The application fee will be $10 and annual/quarterly subscriptions will be decided by the persons present at the inaugural meeting.
Current fees are as follows
New application fee
$10 (one off payment)
Single Applicant
$25.00 (annual)
Family Application
$40.00 (annual)
Whenever it becomes necessary the fees could be changed by the members at a meeting where more than seventy five percent of the total membership is present.